
Thursday, 1st October 2015

Ginger pork Obento

  • 豚のしょうが焼き
  • 木耳入りだし巻き
  • 油揚げとラディッシュ菜のさっと煮
  • タイ風にんじんサラダ
  • 木耳のきんぴら
  • 茹でおくら
  • ごはん


豚の生姜焼き レシピ
  • 豚肉       500g
  • たまねぎ      1個
  • しょうが      2かけ 
  • 醤油      大さじ2
  • 酒       大さじ2
  • みりん      大さじ1
  • メープルシロップ  大さじ1
  1. 豚肉を食べやすい大きさに切る。たまねぎはくし切り。
  2. 豚肉とたまねぎを軽く炒める。
  3. 調味料を全て合わせてたれを作り、豚肉に加える。
  4. たれの水分が少なくなるまで弱火で焼き詰めて出来上がり。

Today's Obento
  • Ginger pork
  • Black fungus omlette
  • Broiled bean curd and radish green 
  • Thai style carrot salad
  • Black fungus kinpira
  • Boiled okra
  • Steamed rice

If I have to cook for my non-Japanese friends, I definitely chose Ginger Pork. 
There are no Japanese(especially man) who doesn't like Ginger Pork.
This is the one of the dish which woman wants to impress boyfriend that she can cook! --very old Japanese way though...but very useful.
Ginger pork is as very tasty as easiest Japanese recipe.
Yet this is proper Japanse dish! not wagamama style...you know?

Ginger Pork
  • Sliced Pork Loin           cut in to 4pieces each slice 
  • Onion                              cut into wedges
  • Ginger                           small  2pieces grated
  • Soy sauce                        2 Table spoons
  • Japanese sake(white wine for substitution)  2Table spoons
  • Mirin                              1Table spoon
  • Maple syrup                  1Table spoon

  1. Fry sliced pork and Onion with medium heat until pork changes colour.
  2. Mix all seasoning ingredients.
  3. Add to the pan and mix with pork and onions with low heat until simmer.

Isn't it easy?
Hope you will like this dish.

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